Coastal Fisheries Programme

SocioEco_manualSocioeconomics fisheries surveys in Pacific Islands:
A manual for the collection of a minimum dataset

by M. Kronen, N. Stacey, P. Holland, F. Magron and M. Power

There is growing acceptance in the Pacific Islands region that reef and lagoon fisheries can no longer be managed by focusing on the biology of the stocks and the fishing activity alone. Many other aspects of the local community and its use of the resources also have serious implications for the overall health of coastal marine systems. These aspects include alternative income sources, living costs, access to boat transport and fishing gear, and marketing infrastructure.

Socioeconomic information helps fisheries officers and other coastal resource stakeholders to monitor and manage reef and lagoon resources in their country. The information gathered is also important for making informed decisions about the sustainable use of coastal marine resources.

This manual is a guide on how to collect and analyse “socioeconomic” data on reef and lagoon fisheries.

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Table of contents:

1. Introduction and background

1.1 General
1.2 Why collect socioeconomic information for reef and lagoon fisheries management?
1.3 When do you collect socioeconomic information?
1.4 Why was this manual developed?
1.5 Structure of the manual and its objectives
1.6 Who is this manual for?
1.7 What are the scope and limitations of this manual?
1.8 What is involved?

2. Methodology

2.1 Managing the survey

Step 1: Survey design
Step 2: Background information
Step 3: Additional information
Step 4: Survey management
Step 5: Involving target communities in the survey
Step 6: Field survey materials

2.2 Selecting the survey sampling technique

2.2.1 Errors and surveys
2.2.2 Simple random sampling for socioeconomic field surveys
2.2.3 Pilot test

2.3 Field survey—data collection

2.4 Field survey—questionnaires

2.4.1 Household interviews and questionnaire (Annex II)
2.4.2 Fisher interviews and questionnaire (Annexes III and IV)
2.4.3 Key informant interviews and questionnaire (Annex V)
2.4.4 Middlemen, agents and shop owner interviews and questionnaire (Annex VI)
2.4.5 Additional information: quantification of local units and scientific identifications for vernacular names (Annex VII)

2.5 Observation notes

3. Getting results

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Data analysis and interpretation

3.2.1 Socioeconomic characteristics
3.2.2 Dependence on marine resources—consumption and income
3.2.3 Sources of marine resources consumed
3.2.4 Number of fishers

3.3 How much is taken by whom?

3.4 What is harvested and where is it taken from?

3.5 What does the community do with the catch?

3.6 What is the total finfish catch worth at regional market prices?

3.7 Which fishing strategies are used?

3.8 Gender issues

3.9 How does the community keep the fish?

3.10 How much is known about existing fisheries management rules?




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