Reef Fisheries Integrated Database (RFID)
RFID is a software that has been developped for data entry and querying of survey data for socio-economic, fish and invertebrate surveys following the SPC methodology.
Current version is RFID 1.6.1 and you can download it :
Unzip the package on your hard disk and launch setup.exe (not RFIDSetup.exe !)
After the installation has succeeded, click on postinstall.bat to finish the installation.
Note: The database engine of version 1.6.0 is MSDE 2000, not compatible with Windows 7 x64. On this operating system you will need to install SQL Server Express and manually install the database.
For technical support please contact
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Socio-Economic Manual Companion Software (SEMCoS)
This software is the companion software of the manual Socioeconomics fisheries surveys in Pacific Islands: A manual for the collection of a minimum dataset by Kronen et al.
Current version is SEMCoS 1.1.3 and you can download it :
Unzip the package on your hard disk and launch setup.exe (not SEMCoS_Setup.exe !)
Note: The database engine is MSDE 2000, not compatible with Windows 7 x64. On this operating system you will need to install SQL Server Express and manually install the database.
For technical support please contact
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