Current projects
SciCOFish (Scientific support for the management of coastal and oceanic fisheries in the Pacific Islands Region)

The Regional Strategy Paper and the Indicative Programme agreed between the Pacific ACP (P-ACP) countries and the European Community (EC) for the period 2008–2013 identifies Sustainable Management of Natural Resources as one of two focal areas for EDF10 cooperation. The Intervention Framework for this focal area targets assisting the region in developing the economic potential of its natural resources in a sustainable way through sound science on which to base management decisions, while looking at expanding the regions export sectors in natural resources and creating an enabling environment for the benefit of regional trade arrangements. SciCOFish will complement the ongoing EDF-funded SciFish (Scientific support for the management of oceanic fisheries in the Pacific Islands region) Project, while following on from the Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Project (PROCFish) and Pacific Regional Coastal Fisheries Development Project (CoFish), which were focused on tuna and reef fishery assessment and monitoring, in fulfilling the vision of the Regional Strategy Paper and the RIP for Pacific ACP/EC cooperation in fisheries, and will broaden the growing pattern of cooperation between the Pacific ACP countries and the EC in fisheries generally.
Development of sustainable tuna fisheries in Pacific ACP countries (DevFish Phase II)

The DevFish2 project overall objective is to increase the contribution from the sustainable use of highly migratory marine resources, particularly tuna, to the alleviation of poverty in Pacific states. It promotes the establishment of a more favourable policy environment for tuna industry development in Pacific countries, including the small scale component. It will provide direct assistance to small and medium enterprises in the sector as well as artisanal fishers and also build a region-wide IUU deterrence strategy, utilising the results of initial monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) studies in building robust and cost-effective regional capabilities to combat IUU fishing.
Vulnerability and adaptation of coastal fisheries to climate change

With funding assistance from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), and in relation with an ongoing assessment of the vulnerability of coastal fisheries to climate change, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community has launched a project to assist Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) to design and field-test monitoring pilot projects to determine whether changes are occurring in the productivity of coastal fisheries and, if changes are found, to identify the extent to which such changes are due to climate change as opposed to other causes.
Completed projects
PROCFish / CoFish

The Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries (PROCFish) project was funded by the European Development Fund (EDF) and implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). The project was initiated in March 2002.
The coastal component of PROCFish was designed to enhance management of reef fisheries in the Pacific Islands by providing Pacific Island governments and communities with accurate, unbiased scientific information about the status and prospects of reef fisheries. Seventeen countries and territories were targetted by the project.
Most results and outputs of the project are accessible via the Digital Library on the PROCFish publication pages.

The Development of Tuna Fisheries in the Pacific ACP Countries Project (DEVFISH) is a European Union funded regional project, which encourages governments to make policy changes that can make it easier for local Pacific fishing industries to grow and profit.
Activities to achieve this goal include analysis, consultation and training at the regional level on shared and common aspects of tuna development. On the national level, DEVFISH supports a range of activities such as strengthening fish producers' associations and improving consultation between private sector and Government, helping with seafood safety requirements for access to European markets and creating national plans for development.
More information on this project can be found on FFA's hosted DEVISH Project webpages.
ReAT - Reef Resources Assessment Tools

The main goal of this series of tools is to promote the use of standardized methods through practical descriptions on how to use them. A publication entitled Underwater Visual Fish Census Surveys, is available and will be revised soon. This is the result of a joint effort with IRD (formely ORSTOM). This is complementary to an initial underwater visual census survey training course, held in 2000 through the financial assistance of the French Cultural Cooperation Fund for the Pacific, made it possible to train 12 fisheries service agents in these methods.
ReACT – Reef Resources Assessment Calculation Tools

Under this project the section has produced a software to enter and process data from underwater visual censuses. One person worked specifically on this project: Franck Magron, Reef Fisheries Information Manager.
Role of Demography and Ecology in the Fisheries of Coastal Resources in Pacific Islands

This two year-long project, finished in October 2003. It was funded by the MacArthur Foundation (US$210,000) and is designed to carry out studies in Tonga and Fiji on the correlation between the potential of available reef ecosystem resources (supply) and fisheries harvests in relation to the growth in island populations (both subsistence and market fishing demand). It also included a phase for turning over this information, particularly in the form of indicators, to local communities for management purposes. Two people worked specifically on this project, i.e. a student researcher on detachment, Eric Clua, and a social scientist, Mecki Kronen.
Living Marine Resources of the Pacific Islands, Diversity and Uses This project is an IRD (formely ORSTOM) research unit, for which SPC is one of the two major partners. It began officially in January 2002. Its activities will be situated upstream from both PROCFISH and DemEcoFish, which will be able to benefit from them. CoRéUs proposes implementing a comparative approach to several reef and lagoon ecosystems, using a limited but contrasted number of representative islands in order to study community structure and organization with regards to fisheries exploitation. The objective is to identify those factors which explain the spatial variation of biodiversity, on both local (biotopes, natural and human factors of the environment) and global (biogeography, island type, size, society) scales and to better understand the ecological processes which govern reef and lagoon resources and associated species. The countries and territories involved in the project are New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna, Fiji, Tonga, to which have been added the other countries involved in the PROCFISH Project for the second phase of promoting widespread use of the survey methods.